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Henna plant (scientifically known as Lawsonia Inermis) is well known for long time in the Arab and Muslims world, extensively grown in India and Sudan and used mainly for cosmetic purposes.

Over the last many years I have used Henna as medicine after I read the Hadith about it that the Prophet (PUH) ordered any one who has been pricked by a thorn or has an ulcer on his leg to put Henna on it.

After many years of experience I came to call it the Magic Plant

And in the following paragraphs I will explain why:

1-It has a great healing effect, it contain many healing substances like Tannine and other Glue like substances.

2-It has anti microbial effect especially anti-viral effect.


  1. BURNS

Henna when applied to a burn area first or second degree it gives very good results;

-Decrease pain.

-Decrease fluid loss from the burn site, this is important if the burn area is large.

-It look to have anti-microbial effect, it decrease infection.

-Stick to the burned site until healing is complete.

-Easy to apply to the burned site as paste or powdered.

-Cheap and available.


Henna promote wound healing especially chronic wounds and ulcers, I have used it on nuropathic ulcers of the foot and proved to be very effective. The main factor that promotes healing is not known but I think it has this effect by its nourishing effect on the wound and its anti-microbial properties. If the wound is infected antibiotic cover usually needed.


I used henna for treatment of Epistaxis, and it prove very effective, and give a long lasting cure. And dose not need to be applied more than once most of the times, the powdered stick to the bleeding area until it healed, it work better than cauterization , which is most of the times need to be repeated and still can not guarantee that recurrence of the bleed is not going to occurs.

ANTERIOR NOSE BLEED (from little area): treated by applying the powdered to bleeding spot ,using a ready made ear cleaning stick with its cotton covered end ,and pack the powder to the site of the bleeder ,that will stop the bleeding , rarely it need to be repeated again and that is really Magic way of treatment for epistaxis.

POSTERIOR NOSE BLEED: Which is very difficult to treat as every ENT doctor knows, with this Henna powder just ask the patient to sniff the powder through the anterior nostril to make it reach the back of the nose or posterior nostril and by this action the powder will stick to the bleeding area and the bleeding will stop, no more we need to use posterior nose pack which is a nightmare for the patient and the doctor at the same time.

The only side effect of Henna here is , it causes the patient to sneeze a little.

The anti-bleeding effect of Henna could be used at other sights like bleeding duodenal ulcer or esophageal varices . This needs to be tried as far as there are no side effect known.

This anti-bleeding effect may be due to its coagulation like effect or its locally burning effect.


Henna definitely has an anti-viral effect, that became clear by its action on;

1-warts; we have tried it many times especially on these warts which are resistant to cryo (Nitrogen liquid) treatment and prove effective, one giant wart measuring 1.5x1.5cm on a child thumb which was resistant to all forms of treatment, at last the child referred to the plastic surgeon for operation, we tried Henna on it, applied every other day over night and in few weeks it disappeared completely . The Dermatologist nurse has a wart on her finger for more than two years which was resistant to liquid nitrogen treatment , we asked her to use henna and got cured.

We found it very useful especially on multiple wars.

On warts Henna applied as paste.

2-Herpes Simplex:

This the second proven and successful effect of Henna on viral infections. We applied it as powdered to herpes site, we noticed:

-It dried the vesicles at the site early.

-Prevent ulceration and crust formation.

-Prevent secondary infection.

Henna applied on herpes as powdered.

This anti-viral effect of Henna is very promising , and should be explored further, It could used as treatment for AIDS . It is natural ,cheap, and it look to have no side effect even when taken by oral route.

We have prepared Henna in capsules now at home and used it as a prophylaxis against Flu during last Haj and we think it helped, As we did not get the infection while most people got Haj Flu which is usually a severe one. But this too early to be sure about and need more trails.


Henna can be used as a prophylaxis especially to protect diabetic patients feet, I routinely now advise my diabetic patients to use henna at least once a month because:

  1. It help to heals fissures and cracks in the foot and reduce foot infection.
  2. It improve the skin texture, which look healthier and softer.
  3. It may delay the nuropathic effect of diabetes, In fact it may reverse the early ones, This need more time to prove.

Henna could be used in the following areas:

1-Back pain
2-Ulcerative colitis as enema.
3-Bleeding duodenal ulcers.

This is our experience with Henna over the last six years or more, the most promising is its anti-viral effect which could prove a breakthrough in modern medicine as a treatment for HIV patients.



Wassalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatoh

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
